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A good firm Squeegee needs to be used for this purpose, the New Blue felt edged squeegee fulfils all these requirements, some fitters prefer the all felt block by MACTAC, whereas some prefer the AVERY PRO SQUEEGEE, this is just a matter of personal preference as they all do a great job – in the right hands! When the largest pieces have been placed and aligned firmly and evenly make broad strokes from the centre of the Vinyl Decal to the edge, overlapping in a herringbone pattern, so expelling all the air.
#Basic oracal 651 color options registration
Laying the large pieces of vinyl across the vehicle and getting the registration of the main areas aligned, then gently and evenly applying heat up to between 40-50 degrees C and easing the VINYL GRAPHICS or SOLVENT PRINTED MEDIA into place, but DO NOT overstretch, as this not only thins the material but also the adhesive is thinned, making it less able to adhere to the vehicle. Now it is important to check that the VINYL WRAPPING FILM and all the required tools are to hand and ready to wrap!
#Basic oracal 651 color options free
So once the area is exposed the preparation of the paintwork to be wrapped must be treated with a degreaser and a silicone free cleanser, The Vinyl Corporation will always recommend the AVERY SURFACE CLEANER as being the ideal solution to this problem. To achieve perfection when wrapping a vehicle the body parts must be fully exposed, so badges, mouldings, trims, handles and ALL accessible and detachable parts must be removed with the utmost care and attention – as some of these fittings can be brittle and hugely expensive – so if you have the services of a bodyshop to hand, this might prove invaluable to strip and prepare the vehicle ready to wrap.
#Basic oracal 651 color options full
The MOST IMPORTANT point to take away from this step is DO NOT underestimate how much VINYL you need for this project, we usually recommend to have 2-3 meters “spare” on a full vehicle wrap- Top Tip is when wrapping a bonnet that is for example 1250mm X 1500mm it is suggested that 1500mm X 1700mm of wrapping film should be used so that the material can be taken underneath and over the inside lip of the bonnet in order to make a flawless finish and avoid Vinyl flying off at high speed on the motorway! and the bonnet that has been Vinyl Wrapped is usually the main focus of the job, whether it is a colour change or a Printed Mural – so it needs to be the show piece. Should this project be a Corporate Branded Logo or Photograph that is being reproduced in vinyl on the vehicle then it is advisable to check where the joins and main features are going to fall in relation to the bodywork, so the message can be seen and read without being hindered by door handles, windows or wiper blades, when the doors are opened or closed ( See Accompanying Photographs of “Spectacular fails” in planning and measuring printed wraps). However, for the first wrap and in the early stages, take time measure rather than estimate, and use a square system to calculate the area, if necessary use newspaper and masking tape to make a template and then lay it out flat to measure it and see how best to “Jigsaw” the corresponding handed parts from the other side of the vehicle.
Estimating the amount of material that will be required to fully wrap a vehicle is unsurprisingly a lot more difficult than one would at first imagine, but with experience and increased number of successfully completed Vinyl Wraps this part of the project will take less time and be easier to accomplish.